Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The attract mode is now diamondsa witch select screen!

Now the transitions are really working well. The fix set back the whole code cleanup thing, and the game still has an odd tendency to want to play every music track I've tried to play in prior scenes every time I load a new one, but it all works now, and the correct track ultimately plays by itself. As the "curtain" (a white square) fades out (and, though I haven't tested it, in) you'd be able to move your character with the mouse, but not fire. The game now assumes DOM Level 3, not 2, due to use of CustomEvents.

So far, IE9 runs the game the fastest, followed by Firefox 11 and Opera 11.61 (which basically makes it a slideshow once the 8000×1000 scrolling stage is swapped in, so maybe I'll try breaking the thing into cute little bite size tiles). I can't really compare IE10 to them because even though it supports filters (yay!) I can't see the graphics in full speed—I got Windows 8 working on VirtualBox for a bit, with Guest Additions even, but then it got all fritzy again so I rolled the system back to a pre-Additions snapshot, and if you think I'm moving my already shaky physical system to a non-release Windows (complete with all that Metro stuff) then you ought to promote yourself to Senior Vice President of Acting a Fool.



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