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No hitbox work today; I didn't feel like doing much with the actual game. I remember giving up about the time that I had to consider hitboxes, when I tried to make a shooter game in C++ and SDL (the fact that I also had to worry about things like cross-platform compatibility and how to draw 2D stuff in OpenGL, when SVG kinda sorta handles that, did not help)...the joys of failure.
I quickly did a rear view of Vralanea—pretty much horizontal-flipped the original, changed some z positions, tweaked a few paths (especially the shoes and the top of the hot pants...what, you've never seen women in hot pants?) and changed or removed a few gradients. I could've omitted that last step if I wanted her to have two busts, which I guess some men would've liked.
[2013-05-20: The latest source SVG (55.73 KiB) is now posted on Dropbox.]
SVG version available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later, as before. Here's a copy of the license.
Yes, she has an equivalent low cut for her back, and wears a button clasp thing and three pearls there as well. Lazy, I know.
I'll base her in-game sprite on that rear view, except I may end up having to, say, amputate her forelegs or compress her height to shorten her, and make her point the staff at enemies. I won't do this for the other three witches; I want their witch-select portraits to be in different poses (the next one will face their eyes to the player but stand at a ~45° angle to the player's right or something) but the sprites to be rear-view-ish. I may or may not try to change her staff in-game based on whether the player picks a different one they forged between stages; I'll definitely need to study keyboard events to make a decent way to switch weapons (perhaps the QASDF keys, where ASDF selects each of the character's elemental weapons and Q switches to their dream weapon). If that works out, maybe I'll use Z and X or Ctrl and Alt to fire and bomb, respectively, instead of click to shoot like what is perhaps my greatest inspiration for the gameplay to come, Chromium B.S.U....
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