Monday, September 14, 2009

Program updates! ... except not.

I've had Apple Software Update for a while to get updates to the Safari browser. I saw it pop up not too long ago:

Screenshot of Apple Software Update that contains "iPhone Configuration Utility" in an "Updates" list and "QuickTime" in a "New Software" list

I have neither an iPhone nor any earlier version of the Utility, nor do I have QuickTime.

There has been earlier controversy about how new programs are placed in the updater. I think the separate "New software" list was the right thing to do (they have largely stuck to it in my experience), and I can't imagine they can accomplish monopolist goals with an "iPhone Configuration Utility", but vigilance is key to keeping programs from becoming disingenuous. (For those curious, Windows Vista doesn't list e.g. Windows Live Essentials separately in its Windows Update either, and I've set to "Ignore" the two Apple updates.)

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