Wednesday, January 24, 2007

“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

Edit: Google Images (mentioned below) has returned to its old full-data layout, for me at least. Thank you, GOOG.

So I was wondering who the kinda-hot special guest judge on some singing-competition-type show I was watching was*, and instead of simply checking the official site I decided to use the Google. (Cyndi Lauper was the first name I thought of. I've no idea why either.)

Google Image Search for Cyndi Lauper, with size and location info obscured until I hover my mouse over it.


I know that Google likes fiddling around with stuff to see what selected users like (2005 called, they want my comment back), but I don't like the idea of having to hover over a thumbnail to see what images are from dead sites** or dangerous sites (much worse)...or maybe I'm just lazy. The worst part: merely tabbing to the desired thumbnail won't reveal the size and location info.

This, on the other hand, is cool:

The new look of the ImageShack image list for registered users.  User profile pages have looked like that for a while already.

Apologies to Bill Bixby.

*By the way, if my eyes, this MSNBC story, and the great wiki that knows a lot if not quite all serve me right, it was Sager tonight.

**Google, please mark an image as "possibly dead" or something if the image comes up as "not found". I promise I won't sue you for using that idea. On the contrary, it would save you guys some bandwidth and lessen the need to scrounge up money from everyone and everything if things go downhill.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Blow MOAR sh*t up.

RAY-HOUND v0.900.91 is like v0.80 but with high score list, instant-replay, more options, new-game checkpoints every 10 stages, the apparent ability to ram and then "capture" enemies with the left mouse button—after which you can flail them around to somewhere else—and...cowbell please...SOUND!

My high score's below.

My high score of 15,501,100 in version 0.91, set on January 10, 2007.

Replays (7z archive, 23 KiB)

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