Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Font handling in browsers.

In Windows, try downloading Neuropol X from Typodermic. Put it in your Fonts folder. Notice the change on the top of the page?

Even if IE sucks rocks, it at least knows when new fonts are installed. Opera can't do this (when Neuropol X Free is deleted, hovering over the heading changes its font to Arial—ugh!) but at least it works on almost any OS. (I'd say something about Firefox or Bon Echo...but their shills just scare me.)

I'm trying to make a better version of Easy Notify Icon Maker (Roxio didn't warn me or anything, but the original name did sound like one of their works1). Stay tuned. will get you there once it's up, will get you the original, and will get you the latest.

1interestingly, there is not a single trademark with "Easy [blah-blah-blah] Creator" listed on their site. I'd rather not test their legal prowess in any case.

I probably won't restore the Icon Maker download for a while.
